Tiva is 27 years old and was born and brought up in Kenya. She has ridden horses her whole life and played her first polo tournament at the age 10. She is 2 goals/ 6 goals ladies. Tiva has played in some amazing countries in ladies polo which include; Argentina, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, India, Singapore, Thailand, Norway, USA, Australia, UK and Barbados.
Tiva has won the US open, represented England, captained a Kenyan and All-Africa team where she received MVP. She has played in the Argentine open and is currently the only woman to have ever won the "EG champs" 14 goal in South Africa. Tiva is following in the footsteps of her mother who reached a 4 goal handicap, who led the way with Claire Tomlinson representing ladies polo. Tiva is an ambassador for Armis polo helmets and The Ladies Polo Foundation.